Some of the notable people in Christian history started out with horrible beginnings. Paul is one of such characters. If it were not for him, we would not necessarily understand Christ as well as we do today. You may not feel like this is an exciting time, but trust me, you are at a pivotal moment of breakthrough. Never at any moment feel dejected nor rejected, for you are loved.
Thus, recovery from Alcohol addiction starts with an awareness of a power at work in you that is greater than any other power in the world. The business of recovery, then, is learning to connect to this life-altering, life-saving power. That power is God.
In addition, for many of us, the reason God has seemed distant or that we haven’t felt his power was because we weren’t ready to surrender. Surrender is your first step to healing your spirit of Alcohol addiction. We still thought we could get power over our drug of choice; that we could drink like normal people.
We must admit how sick we are. In order to receive strength, we must come fully face-to-face with our weaknesses. It becomes easy to let go when you finally understand that he has already done everything for you. Just let go and let God. This is hard to do. It requires a level of humility.
The next step of spiritual healing from addiction is to magnify God, not your addiction. Praise God regardless of how you feel. When you praise him, the atmosphere shifts. For God inhabits the praises of his people. Make this a lifestyle- not just something that you do on occasion or when you are having a tough time.
God’s greatest desire is to have an intimate relationship with you and it begins with studying his Holy word. Spending time in the presence of God will transform you from inside out.
Since being in his presence is transforming, the things that would normally drive you crazy will gradually become insignificant. Staying with the word is one of the greatest source of strength that you have, and as such will help in building a solid relationship with God as you recover from addiction.
Using your faith as your greatest power, you will attain not only freedom from the compulsion to use alcohol and drugs, but a much stronger relationship with God.