When it comes to topics which have to do with addiction prevention, it is important to first understand why people become addicted in the first place. Based on scientific research, there are six factors which are responsible for why people are addicted to drugs:
- Genetics
- Adult trauma
- Early Childhood Trauma
- Mental illness
- Age of first use
- Social Environment
Prevention is important. It might sound like an old conventional saying, but it is very true. Prevention is the safest way to ensure that people do not use drugs and become addicted in the long or short run.
Most people got addicted to drugs because they felt they would just do it once. However, it graduates to “I can stop when I want”. Before you know it, they would be unable to stop.
One of the best ways to prevent drug addiction, is to make efforts to deal with Life’s pressures. When someone is not able to deal with the pressures which come with life, the person becomes compelled to seek a supposed easier way of escape. The person then resorts to either drugs or alcohol.
In addition, it is advised that people do not bow to peer pressure. A good number of people who abuse drugs do this to feel cool in front of their mates. Some are even of the opinion that when they indulge in drug abuse, they become famous and acceptable. When you do not bow to peer pressure, there is a likely chance that drug addiction would be prevented.
Furthermore, it is important to also develop strong family ties. This comes in handy if no member of the family is addicted to drugs. Research has shown that, people who are very close with their family do not really stand the chance of being addicted to drugs.
This happens because, the family is the main hub of support and guidance, and this ensures that the person handles life pressures and refrains from all forms of harmful dealings.
Conclusively, it is advised that people develop healthy habits. To start with eating a healthy balanced diet alongside exercising would go a long way. Staying healthy and active makes it effortless for people to handle the stress which comes with life.